I think everyone needs a hobby or a way to create something they find beautiful. I know for some you that comes out in the kitchen in your baking, for some it's painting, maybe gardening...me, I scrapbook. It's one of my hobbies. It's the one that I have probably done the longest and most consistent.
(L- my albums 97-23, M- me and my Mama this weekend, R-one of my pages this weekend of my granddaughter, Molli.)
I was first introduced to scrapbooking in 1997 by my co-worker, Mandi Causie. Over the years I have made many friends through scrapbooking over the years. Some of my friends and I still gather to scrapbook. Most of the women in my family also scrapbook, on some level. It's a great way for me to create a legacy for my children and grandchildren. Their lives are mostly documented in the photos in these books. For me, it's a win-win. I can create something that I find beautiful and in doing so I also keep a visual history of our family. It's so much fun to pull them out and reminisce with the kids and grandkids. I love showing them what their dad and aunt and uncle were like when they were younger.
I try to go away a couple times a year to stay current. It's easier to remember the details for journaling when I don't wait so long. I do sometimes scrapbook in a digital format but there's just something to creating with my hands that I find more fulfilling.
What's your hobby? What outlet do you have as a form of expression? I would love to hear about it!
I hope you all have the best week! Happy love day this week and if you have any doubts, know that you are loved here!
~Much love,

Ps. Don't forget there's a free download for you on my homepage AND you can still order your copy of the Grace Filled Life Designer.
