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Writer's pictureAlice Ranker

Christmas Nostalgia

You already know, if you know me, that I love all things Christmas. Today I want to share with you why that is. For me, Christmas is a season of joy and generosity. It's a time when people gather and share their time, their food, and their love. I am a person who seeks and needs connection...meaningful connection to those I have relationships with. I need to be safe to show up just as I am...and I want you to do the same. For me Christmas is that opportunity. It's a time to reflect on the year I've had, the relationships I have and the growth I've made.

When I start decorating the house and going through those tubs, years of memories flood me. I have Christmas decorations that go back decades. As I hand the ornaments on the tree those memories go with it. Let me share a few with you.

Top row: 1. Alyssa made this in preschool when we were at Camp Lejeune. 2. This little paper house belonged to my Grandmama. I have two of them that I display. 3. This sweet origami crane was made by the ladies that worked in my mama's alteration shop.

Middle row: 1. One of my favorites, this LINKS ornament was made for all the volunteers while I was with the Lejeune team. 2. This tree ornament I bought while at a craft show at Marston Pavilion from the Officers Wives Club. This tree is famous if you have ever been to Lejeune. It's by the theater on McHugh Blvd. 3. This guitar is one of many that hang on the tree. This one is Patricks.

Bottom row: 1. Looney tunes would belong to my oldest, Donovan. 2. Elvis, from my trip to Graceland with the infamous Jennifer Fender during a LINKS weekend. 3. Lilo & Stitch, Alyssa's favorite Disney movie.


There are so many more...I often joke that I should make a scavenger hunt game for the children that visit us during the holiday of the crazy ornaments on my tree. The long red underwear, the black stiletto heel, the Star Wars space crafts, and all the others. Each one holds a special memory.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that Christmas doesn't also come with its own grief and pain. I also share those emotions. For the people that are no longer here to share the holiday with like my Daddy. But the thing that gives me peace is to remember the love we shared and honor his memory in how I love those around me and share his stories with them to keep his legacy strong.

How are you doing this season? I don't ask that in passing so you can just say, "I'm fine". I really want to know, how are you? How is your heart? How are you handling all the emotions that come with this season? What practices have you built in as a buffer to strengthen your resolve?

I hope you have the best week available to you as we begin December. Reflect on all that is good and right in your world. Practice kindness and patience. And most of all generosity-not just in your finances but in your love and affection for others.

Much love,

The 2024 Grace Filled Life Designer has been really popular this year! I am so excited. I still have a few available in the first print batch. Click on LifeTools on my website to order. I am also considering making this available as a PDF for those of you who use your tablets and would prefer this as a document.

Let me know if that is something that would appeal to you.

If you place your order in the next week you will have the Life Designer in time for the holidays and in time to prepare for January.

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