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How are you?

No really, how are you? How is your soul, your heart? It's that time of year where we run from one event to another and often forget to implement any time for ourselves in the process. Many of you still feel guilty when you put boundaries in place to protect your time and energy. I want to remind you once again, that you deserve time for yourself...whatever that looks like for you!

For me, I put boundaries in how I spend my time so I have time to focus on my priorities and not feel overwhelmed. I have fibromyalgia and when I get run down, stressed, or overwhelmed it literally makes my body hurt. There have been times that my head didn't feel stressed but my body said otherwise. I am learning to listen to my body. It's important that I take time for yoga and stretching, meditation where I can focus on deep breathing, and soaking in the tub.

There are a lot of demands on us as women. We are still the primary care takers of our families aside from our other responsibilities.

You can't do it all and do it all well. Focus on what's most important to you and your mental peace. Do you go through your day and then at the end of the day realize that you are drained. It happens. Check in with yourself throughout the day to assess how you feel. If that even seems foreign, try setting an alarm or reminder a couple of times a day to pause and check in with yourself. While thinking about this I came across the image below that I thought might be helpful. You can screenshot it, set it as a screensaver, and check in with yourself when you see it. I thought it was simple but appropriate to have a quick check in. Take a minute and do that now.

On a side note, the 2024 Grace Filled Life Designer is currently with the printers. I am expecting it to arrive the end of the week. I am really excited to see it. I can't wait to get them in the mail. There are a few left out of the first print. It's not too late for you to order one for you or for a gift. I have received several orders as gifts that I will mail right to the recipient. You are a generous and kind group! You make my heart happy. Have the best Sunday available to you!!!

Much love,

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